As the cooler months roll in, it’s time to give your landscape a little extra care by adjusting your sprinkler and dripper systems for winter. Trees, shrubs, and plants naturally require less water when temperatures drop, and maintaining your irrigation system properly will not only keep your landscape healthy but also help conserve water. At Tree Pros, we emphasize the importance of fine-tuning your irrigation system to prevent overwatering and protect your plants during the winter season. Here’s how to get your sprinklers and drippers winter-ready!

Why Winter Watering Adjustments Matter

During the colder months, plants enter a more dormant state. Their water needs decrease significantly, and watering them at summer levels can lead to several problems, such as:

  • Root rot from excessive water,
  • Soil erosion due to unnecessary runoff,
  • Fungal growth from moisture sitting on leaves or around plant bases.

Overwatering not only wastes precious water but also harms your landscape. By adjusting your time clocks for sprinklers and drippers, you ensure your garden receives just enough water to stay healthy without the excess.

Steps for Adjusting Your Time Clocks

1. Reduce Watering Frequency

In winter, plants need less frequent watering. If your sprinklers are set to water daily or multiple times a week during the summer, consider reducing this to once or twice a week, depending on your climate and plant needs.

2. Shorten Watering Duration

In addition to reducing frequency, it’s important to shorten the duration of each watering session. For drippers, reduce the watering time by at least 25-50%, depending on how much water your plants require. Trees and shrubs typically need deep watering less often, so decreasing the duration helps avoid saturation.

3. Monitor Weather Conditions

Stay mindful of seasonal weather patterns. Winter rains can often provide enough moisture to your plants, eliminating the need for additional irrigation. Turn off your system entirely during rainy weeks or use a rain sensor to automatically halt irrigation when the system detects moisture.

4. Check for Freeze Protection

Cold temperatures can sometimes lead to freezing, which can damage irrigation pipes. If you live in an area prone to frost, ensure that your system is winterized properly.

Special Care for Trees and Shrubs

Trees, especially younger ones, still need consistent moisture to establish strong root systems even in winter. However, overwatering can weaken roots and leave them vulnerable to rot and disease. Here’s how to adjust tree irrigation for the colder months.

Tree Pros’ Winter Watering Tips

  • Water in the morning: Watering in the morning allows plants to absorb moisture before temperatures drop at night.
  • Use mulch: Mulching around trees and shrubs helps retain moisture, reduce evaporation, and protect roots from temperature extremes.
  • Don’t forget the drippers: Drip systems are incredibly efficient for watering trees and shrubs, but they too need adjustments in winter. Reduce both the frequency and duration, and ensure the drip emitters are free from debris and functioning properly.


Final Thoughts

For best results, always consult a certified arborist to ensure your trees and landscape get the right care without overwatering or under-watering. Expert advice helps protect your plants and saves water! By adjusting your time clocks for sprinklers and drippers, you can ensure your landscape thrives through the winter months. Taking a few simple steps now to tweak your irrigation system will save water, protect your plants, and prevent common issues caused by overwatering. At Tree Pros, we are committed to helping you maintain a healthy, beautiful landscape year-round. If you’re unsure about how to properly winterize your irrigation system or need advice tailored to your specific garden, don’t hesitate to reach out to our expert team for guidance. Make these adjustments now, and your landscape will thank you come spring!